Paperwise for Franchises

Introducing our state-of-the-art Maintenance Request Workflow Solution, tailored specifically for fast food franchises. Designed with the unique needs of the industry in mind, this comprehensive system streamlines and automates the entire maintenance request process, ensuring that your establishments maintain operational excellence without any hiccups.

Benefits for Your Franchise

Minimized Downtime

Keep operations running smoothly, ensuring that customers are served efficiently without disruptions.


Cost Savings

By addressing maintenance issues promptly, our solution helps prevent minor problems from escalating into major, costly repairs.


Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Streamlining maintenance requests and automating workflows eliminates unnecessary delays and paperwork, fostering enhanced operational efficiency throughout your franchise network.


Data-Driven Decision-Making

Access valuable insights into maintenance trends, common issues, and response times. Leverage this data to make informed decisions and continually improve the overall maintenance strategy for your franchise.


Improved Customer Experience

Ensure that your fast food establishments consistently deliver on quality and service, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Key Features for Franchises

User-Friendly Interface

Our solution boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing franchise staff to easily submit maintenance requests with just a few clicks.


Centralized Request Management

All maintenance requests are consolidated into a centralized platform, providing franchise owners and managers with a real-time overview of ongoing and completed tasks.


Automated Prioritization

The system intelligently prioritizes maintenance requests based on urgency and impact on operations. Critical issues are flagged for immediate attention, ensuring that vital tasks are addressed promptly.


Multi-Location Support

Fast food franchises often operate multiple locations. Our solution is scalable and accommodates the unique challenges of managing maintenance requests across various sites, providing a centralized yet adaptable approach.


Communication Hub

Facilitate seamless communication between managers, and maintenance teams. Receive instant updates, track progress, and ensure everyone is on the same page, fostering a collaborative and efficient work environment.


Scheduled Maintenance Planning

Stay proactive with scheduled maintenance planning. The system allows for the scheduling of routine maintenance tasks, preventing potential issues before they impact daily operations.


Paperwise Pairs with Rawson Group Franchise

The Rawson Group, a renowned franchisee of 21 Wendy’s restaurants across Staten Island and New Jersey, works with Paperwise to streamline documentation and processes. 

Before Paperwise, Rawson had to rely on manual paper-based processes that caused inaccuracies and things to get misplaced, making retrieving write-ups a time-consuming and frustrating task. With Paperwise streamlining the process, Rawson has been able to save time and improve accuracy in their documentation.